Take your photography to the next level

What Are Your Photography Blocks?
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What is holding you back from being the best darn photographer out there?

Free Photo Planner PDF

Sometimes the difference between a good or bad photo is the planning. Grab my planner now to set yourself up for success!

Free Photography Workshop

Learn how to bust through the overwhelm and limiting beliefs and take your photography to the next level.

About Me

Being a photographer can be lonely at times. As much as I do enjoy the solitude in the outdoors and believe it can be a big part of my creative process, there's nothing like getting together with a group of inspirational photographers.

As an ex Air Force Photographer I have travelled all over the world and photographed almost everything imaginable. But one of the most important things the Air Force taught me is that we are stronger together, and with the support of others we can achieve anything.


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Up to Date Trainings

Access amazing, in-depth trainings including step-by-step instructions, weekly office hours and much more from inspirational photographers.

Learn At Your Own Pace

From any device, any time at your convenience. Resume exactly where you left off. No limits on the number of times you can view video lessons.

Awesome Community

Join our community and connect with students from around the world who are just like you. Learn and share with the every growing community.

She Shoots Landscapes Podcast

The podcast for female landscape photographers looking for inspiration and helpful tips. Get inside the heads of inspirational photographers creating mind-blowing landscapes.